Sep 22, 2010

Dinner Date with Brad

Regrouped from me annoying discussion with Andy to have dinner with Brad last night. We went to a hole-in-the-wall sushi resturaunt. My choice. It was delicious. I actually had a great time with him. We sat there and talked until the place closed. We were getting dirty looks from the workers but for some reason I didn't really care. We talked about a lot of stuff. He's the oldest in his family. He went to as state school around here. He tried to major in Theater but his parents wouldn't let him. Also, he knew the name of the closest professional women's soccer team to our city. He know a lot about women's sports actually. He probably spent ten minutes on google before the date, but regardless, he earned some points. He's the kind of guy that pays attention. 

Only awkward moment of the night was when I told him I used to be shy. He doesn't believe this. I say, no, really, when I was in high school I couldn't even call up my brother on the phone to ask him if he'd be home for dinner. He still doesn't believe me. He says, that's not shy, that's just weird. I laugh. I'm fine with this. But then he asks why I was shy. I stutter a little, then say something about Psycho. Something about the fact that I had a psycho stalker and it was weird, so it makes sense why I was shy for a few years. I'm sick of doing the alternative, which is to laugh and say something stupid, like I don't know or something. This only makes me look like a dramatic teenager. Or a flake. Or a bitch. So today, I go with the truth. He asks a few questions and then artfully changes the subject without me feeling bad or like he didn't care. It was more of an, ok this is a little deep and I don't want to pry and it's only our first date about your brother being in the peace corpse? Well played. 

I wish this part of my life never existed so I could just be normal. Oh well, I'm getting there. It's probably just leftover things that Andy said yesterday that are really the source of my awkwardness and discomfort. 

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