My Randomness List

Just a bunch of random, pointless, ridiculous, boring and interesting things you never knew about me and will probably never need to know. 

  • My first name is not Ally.
  • I grew up on a farm. In the middle of nowhere. I had pet chickens.
  • My favorite food is steak with chocolate sauce. Yes, together. It's delicious. 
  • I wanted to start a band like TLC when I was 11. No one would be in it with me.
  • I've never smoked pot.
  • I fell off a fake runway during a walking class at my first modeling agency. 
  • I lost a shoe in the middle of a show once, but my dress was huge and long and it just stuck on the train and I pulled it all along.
  • I can ride a unicycle.
  • I LOVE singing karaoke, but I suck at it, but I think I'm good, but I know I suck.
  • My favorite animal is a monkey. I want one.
  • I wrote a paper in third grade about what I wanted to be when I grew up. It listed three things: 1) The first female president. 2)The first girl in the NFL. 3) A poet.