Nov 27, 2010

Abbreviated November Recap

WOW November, where did you go. I am furiously trying to stay in denial that another month is flying by and that winter is coming. Just to recap, I have only kissed three different boys this past month, received two horribly sappy, overly dramatic emails from Andy, added one more boy to the list and dropped one completely. I haven't fallen on any runways lately, but I did gain 5 pounds as a result of trying to lose 5 pounds before a meeting with the Agents. Awesome. 

Got myself into a fun little pickle last weekend when two of the boys I am crushing on ended up at the same bar at the same time. When you find yourself in such a situation, the best possible solution is probably NOT to drink too much, however, this is also the least likely thing to happen, so you can guess the number of drinks I had....or at least try to guess. I'm not sure the answer tho, so all you need to know is that it was enough to decide that the best thing to do would be to meet another boy and talk to him instead of either of the two boys that came to see me. A great solution. Boy #3 turned out to be pretty cute (when I looked him up on Facebook the next morning so that I could remember what he looked like) Fun night. 

In an attempt to top off my performance, I vowed NOT to drink on Thanksgiving eve so that I wouldn't be hungover at my grandparents house in front of my entire family. Vowing not to drink is pretty much the most surefire way to wind up wasted off my ass by the end of the night. In this case, I had to call my mother to pick me up as I was wandering around a neighborhood at 2am, trying to walk the 7 miles back to my grandparents house. Needless to say, I spent the day trying not to throw up on my grandparents fancy new carpet while I laid on the couch in front of my family and pretended like my back was hurting so I couldn't get up and walk around. So much for not being hungover. At least it's a way not to overeat on Thanksgiving....not one I would recommend though. 

To summarize, I have been awesome at being a mature adult lately, am going to get in trouble with the Agents when they take measurements this week, and have not done much to help the bags growing under my eyes, or to convince my family that I have my life together......but at least I've been having fun. 

1 comment:

  1. Love this post. Seriously time flies by... November when by so fast! And pretty soon December will as well. Least Christmas is in Dec :) the best!!

    Ha, and I definitely don't drink as much as I used to. Had way too many crazy nights I couldn't remember. Probably not a good thing.

