Oct 19, 2010

Days Like This Are What Keep Me Sane

Me: Where are we going?
Brad: Somewhere far away.
Me: Nice. I just have to be back for my shoot tomorrow.
Brad: I'll try.
Me: I hate feeling guilty every time I eat.
Brad: Fuck The Agents. You're fucking gorgeous.
Me: I wasn't fishing for a compliment. I was just saying.
Brad: I wasn't giving you one. I was just saying. 

Me: Let's steal this boat and go sailing.
Brad: The water is freezing, are you going to
swim out there to get it?
Me: Sure! It would be worth it.
Brad: You do realize there's no wind.
We'd just sit there in the boat.
Me: Let's do it.
Me: Can we stay here forever?
Brad: Sure.
Me: Seriously. I don't want to leave.
Brad: Ok. We'll stay forever. But then,
I have to take you home.
You have a shoot tomorrow morning.
Brad: Beautiful perm on that dog.
Me: You're such a dork.
Brad: Then why are you laughing?
Me: Because you're funny.
Brad: Why are you taking a picture of that?
Me: I donno. I feel like it
Brad: Does it make sense?
Me: Kinda, until you think about it.
Brad: I like you.
Prior to our swinging contest. Which I won. 
Me: "No Can't's Allowed."
Brad: Or "Never Say Can't."
Me: I like my version better.
Me: Let's steal this one and go out on the lake!
Brad: I think it has a hole in it.
Me: You're such a wuss.
You just don't want to get wet.
Brad: Yep.
Beaver did some damage.
Me: Why does this sign make me sad?
Brad: Because the sun is setting and we
have to leave soon?
Me: Why can't this just last forever?
Brad: Because then it wouldn't be special.
Me: How bout this boat? It's our last chance!
Brad: There's no oars.
Me: We could use our hands.
Brad: I like you.
Me: This is seriously gorgeous.
Brad: I agree.
Me: Look at the lake. Not at me.
Brad: I can't.
Me: You look cute when you cook me dinner.
Brad: When don't I look cute?
Me: Good point.
Me: We fogged up the windows! I've never done that.
Brad: Me either. I'll never look at Target the same.
Me: We're in a Walmart parking lot silly.
Brad: Oh. Same thing.
Me: I like you.

Me: This was seriously the best day.
Brad: Yeah, it's one of those days that you save and then bring it out later when you have a bad day. 
Me: Yeah, you're giving me a lot of those lately. 


  1. This post was so cute! I love the photos with the dialogue combo, it makes me feel like we were right there with you! What a fun day to just get away and relax.
    I found you from 20SB and am now following you.
    Check me out sometime if you want!

  2. I love this conversation/photo every moment post! Made me feel like I was there with you both!

  3. Wow, this was amazing. I feel like I just had a great day.

  4. Aw thanks guys. It was such a great day. I love all of your blogs!! :)
