Oct 12, 2010

Don't Take Pictures Down Your Pants...Unless I Ask

When did it become appropriate for men to tell you the size of their penis before you've even gone on a first date? Or for them to ask you if you want to know what they just did because they couldn't stop thinking about you?

I guess I am newer than I thought to this being single thing. I need a crash course in dating etiquette because  I had this weird, crazy idea that guys would actually try to at least bull shit their way through a conversation about something other than their dicks in order to get you to hang out with them. What the hell was I thinking?

In the past week I've had two guys try this. One told me to go get a ruler so that I could see what 7.5 inches looked like. I responded by saying that I know it's a lot because that's how much I just got cut off of my hair and I wanted to cry. What?? I also need to practice my responses in these situations.

Frustrating as it is, I'll admit that the next day I found myself thinking about it. However, it made me scared to hang out with the guy. I've never even gone on a date with him and he's trying to talk to me about what he would love to do to me. And then, he took it a step further and asked if I wanted him to send me a picture of it. I was sitting at a family dinner at the time. No, I do not want to see a picture of your bulging penis, discolored in the way that cell phones seem to do, and staring at me from a screen less than two feet away from my father. Call me a old fashion, but I think I'll pass. 

I made the mistake of telling the other guy that I had a dream about him, which I did. Note to self, don't tell guys you had dreams about them unless you want to open up the sexting door. It wasn't even a sexual dream, but he took the idea and ran with it, telling me that he was so turned on in class he might have to go to the bathroom. Gross. Get it together. This conversation continued all day. Again, this is a guy I went on one date with and never kissed. It's not like I am a complete prude. If I was dating someone I would be all for this sexual flirtation, but when someone is trying to convince me to hang out with them and get coffee, this isn't really the best route to try, in my opinion.

By all means, try a little subtle flirting. You can hint at things. Hinting goes a long way. If I'm attracted to you then I've thought about making out with you. Probably even about having sex with you. Girls think about this shit too. But for crying out loud, leave a little to be discovered or I'm not going to want to explore. 

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