Oct 8, 2010

Clear my Head

I'm exhausted, but forced myself to wake up early this morning. I rode my bike down to the lake to see the sunrise. I need to find some balance in my life. I've been struggling. I need to find a way back to peace. It finds a way back to me. The sadness sinks in. I try so hard to be happy, and I am happy, for extended periods of time, but then it creeps in again. It wraps itself around me like a winter coat, waiting for me to step slowing inside before it zips up around me and ties a knot it the belt around my waist, and then, it hangs there, heavy and thick. 

I sat on a rock and wrote in the journal I brought along. I tried to let go of the things that are bothering me. I tried to give them up to the universe so that I don't have to carry them alone. And then, I sat and watched as the small orange dot appeared and began to slowly spread up into the sky, and below into the water, bobbing up and down with the small waves of the lake. 

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