Oct 13, 2010

Three Days Till Photo Shoot

Found out earlier today that I have a photo shoot on Sunday. Of course, I found this out after eating every piece of junk food I could get my hands on. (Brad and I went to the lake for the day and wandered in a candy shop. I have willpower, but not enough to fight off freshly made fudge) 

So, as of this moment I have three days until the shoot and I am supposed to be about 10lbs lighter than I am right now. I suck at my job...Or maybe, my job just sucks sometimes. This is the ongoing debate in my head too often these days. There's no way to lose 10 lbs in 3 days. Not any way I know of that doesn't involve starving myself or swallowing a pack of ex-lax every ten minutes, both of which I refuse to resort to. 

Instead, I am going to try to make some kind of corny challenge with myself to see how much I can do in three days. I can't go without food for longer than a few hours, so I'm not even going to try to do any kind of "cleanse" or "detox" and my schedule is going to make things difficult to work out excessively. 

Instead, I'm going to try to cut out most carbs, junk food, alcohol (good thing I got a few farewell glass of wine in tonight!) junk food, soda, junk food, junk food and junk food. I'm going to try to eat small meals that are high in protein. Egg whites, smoothies, veggies, etc. I'm not going to eat after 7. Actually, make that 8....9 at the latest. No, 8...for real. And, I'm going to see how much working out I can do. 

What I'm really going for here is to feel better. There's no way to change my body in three days. I'm not an idiot. But realistically, three days is enough time for me to feel a little bit better. If I don't eat junk and I cut back at night, and I go for a few runs and do a major ab workout, I'll feel better about myself going in to the shoot and it will reflect in the pictures. Then, after the shoot, I need to get my fat-by-industry-standards-and-not-by-my-own ass in gear and get myself in shape. I'll plan that later. 

Okkkkk, officially starting the three day challenge! Ready? GO!

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