Sep 21, 2010


I don't always know how to deal with the ignorance of people on the subject of sexual assault. I shut down today. In the middle of a conversation with Andy. He told me, that's just what he thought girls wanted (sex). He thought they just said no, but they didn't mean it. He thought, that people just have sex. Right away. And that's what they do. 

How do we accept a society like this? How do we live in a world like this? A world that somehow portrays this idea so strongly that my well-educated, super-liberal, environment-loving, animal-activist male friend, that spends his time volunteering, and cried after reading about what global warming is going to do to our planet, thinks that it's ok to have sex with a girl after she says no because it's what she really wanted. 

My heart hurts today. I don't know how to help change our society, but I will keep trying to find a way. I'll keep trying to be apart of the change. I can't accept a world where this is accepted.

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