Sep 11, 2010

Complicated Mess of an All Nighter

     There are a million places I could start this post, and seeing as it is taking up way too much time to keep messing around with them, trying to find the perfect opener, I'm going to be corny and eliminate them altogether for the sake of cutting to the chase.  I am completely sleep deprived, still a little buzzed, and I apologize in advance for this post. You are better off skipping this paragraph.  It was for me, so that I would just start writing.
     I met Matthew tonight. He's a musician. Opened the show for my brother's band. When he started singing/playing, I turned to my mom and made a face, acknowleding that he was pretty damn good. Not a bad looking guy either. He had the eye-fucking thing down to a science. I played along, and spent most of the time staring at him. At first, I thought that he was looking at everyone like he was looking at me, but then my dad, who was sitting in front of me, moved seats and sat on the other side of my mom because "he was getting creeped out because the singer kept looking at him."

     Brad came to the show tonight too which was great news because I had been secretly hoping that he would since last weekend. I saw him the second he walked in, but ignored him of course. He sat in the row behind my parents, Steve and I. I was brave and faked like I was turning around to look at my brother (sitting in the back waiting to play), then acted surprised to see him and waved him down to come sit with me. It's the second time I have seen him out and he was wearing jeans with a button down vest and a tie both times. Somehow, this works for him. I haven't really figured out how he pulls it off yet, but he does so nicely, without looking preppy or nerdy or like a fag. He also has a beard, which I never liked on guys, but for some reason he's really attractive. 

     Anyway, to further set up the story in the disorganized fashion I have started, I had a photo shoot all day today. I was shooting downtown from 9am-7pm. Exhausting day because I only got about 4 hours of sleep last night. I wasn't sure I would make it to my brother's show, but I knew that Brad might show up so I sucked it up and found my second wind. On the way to the show, I stopped at Jason's Deli for dinner because I was starving. I love Jason's Deli because they have free ice cream. I know, I shouldn't be eating ice cream right now. The clothes at the shoot were too tight on me. But I went way too long without eating and they took too long to make the sandwich so I lost the fight against my willpower and filled up an entire to-go soup container with fro-yo and took it with me for the ride to the bar. 

     To make a long story short (there's more entertaining parts of the night to get to) the ice cream melted and there was a spill involved and I dumped the majority of it in my lap while I was driving. Luckily, I was wearing black jeans sooooo I was able to clean most of it up without looking as ridiculous as I should have looked, but this is the reason I was sticky for the rest of the night. Not a pivital part of the story, but something to keep in mind. 

     So, I showed up to the bar with my hair teased and product-ed to death and with whatever makeup still on that didn't come off when I rubbed my face in the car. In my mind, I looked ridiculous. Tired, half-done up and sticky with the remains of soft ice cream on my legs and stomach, butby the middle of the night I found myself sitting in between two boys, Matthew and Brad, laughing as I was having two completely seperate conversations, both of which I could not keep up with. 

     It was my mother (thanks) who invited Matthew to come sit with us. Brad was already buying me drinks. Steve was wasted so it gave us all something to laugh about. (My goal was to get Steve to dance in the front of the room while my bro was playing. I got pretty close to accomplishing this.)

     When my bro was done, we all went to the other side of the bar where they were playing latin music. Matthew asked me to dance. I kept bouncing back and forth between him and Brad. From there, we went to a bar a block away. Found myself in between the two of them again. Brad made me come to the bar with him to get a drink. He had a straw in his pocket from last weekend. (I'll explain later but this was a cute move. Very cute. Earned him about 36 bonus points.) Steve was singing karaoke. Badly. My parents were watching me from a table close by. Awkward. But not as awkward as you would think because they were enjoying every second of it. 

     Matthew asked me to go for a walk with him. I said ok and we left the bar and walked around the block. He's one of those people who says that he is modest, but by saying he is modest, and describing all of the things he is modest about, he's really just sneakingly braggy. I was afraid he might kiss me, but he didn't. He mentioned that he has a girlfriend, during the show, but he realllly didn't seem like it. I'll keep this in mind for later. 

     I cut the walk short by saying that we had to get back to the bar to see Steve sing Cindee Lauper (I picked him a good song) Matthew left soon after, but not before he gave me his phone number. He told me he could only give it out to people that promised they weren't crazy and wouldn't call him a lot. I told him that was fine, I probably wouldn't call him at all. He smiled. I had him enter his info into my phone because I kept wanting to call him Mike but I knew this wasn't his name. I need to get better at this.

     Brad and I then had an autograph practicing session at the bar by signing napkins.  I saved his napkin. Mom and Dad left. Everett and Tula, and Brad and me, and two other random people that my bro's friends with but who's names I also kept forgetting, decided to go find some breakfast after the bar closed. I drove with E and we caravaned to the random people's house. I have to be up for another full day of shooting tomorrow, so E asked if I wanted him to drop me at home but I said no. 

     We made a bonfire at the random people house. Played with sparklers. I had the brilliant idea to go run around the yard with the sparklers and to only invite Brad. My plan worked and we ended up kissing for a while. He's a good kisser. It was super awkward when we had to walk back to the group like fifteen minutes later and pretend like no one noticed that we were gone way longer than the time it takes for a single sparkler to burn out. Oh well. 

     It's almost 6am and I just got home. I want to go back and kiss Brad again. I can't stop thinking about him. I should be waking up right now to go get ready for the shoot. I'm going to just go late. It's a test shoot and I said I might have something in the morning. Sorry if this post makes no sense and is all over the place. It reflects my current state of mind. I need to go to sleep for at least a little. I'm setting my timer for one hour. Then I'm going to get up and run, then shower, and then barrel through the day until I can come home and crash. 

     I love nights that surprise you. Tonight was definitely one of them. As much as tomorrow (ah, I mean today) is going to was totally worth it. Totally, totally worth it.

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